The effectiveness of oral communication is largely determined by our ability to produce fluent speech. Speech fluency can be affected by disfluencies in various ways, such as when sounds, syllables and words are repeated, prolonged or even blocked.
We all present disfluent speeches sometimes. We repeat words or use interjections like “hmm” . When some speech disfluencies persist for a longer time and manifest themselves involuntarily by breaking the child's speech, we call these disfluencies developmental stuttering.
Stuttering not only includes aspects of disfluent speech, but it can also cause body tension. It may interfere with the child's and person's quality of life. Refusals, for example, to talk on the phone and attempts to hide stuttering are frequently observed strategies.
If your child shows any of the signs below, a speech language evaluation is highly recommended!
Sound repetition: “Ddddddo you want to eat ice cream?”
Syllable repetition: “I like babababanana”. “The cacacacacat belongs to my aunt.”
Prolongation of sounds: “Sssssam is nice!”
Blocks: “I want to (pause) eat.”
In the medical prescription, the pediatrician must inform in German the diagnosis of stuttering (Stottern).
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(+49) 1514 653 8687