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The orofacial  organs (face, lips, tongue, teeth, palate, maxilla, mandible) are responsible for the proper functioning of the primary functions: breathing and swallowing, as well as the secondary function: speech. When these organs present some change in their structure (changes in musculature and bones) and functionality (changes in strength, sensitivity, mobility) difficulties may occur in swallowing, breathing and speech. 

Orofacial and Myofunctional

Children, adolescents and adults can be affected by disorders in orofacial  organs, better known as myofunctional disorders.   The most frequent clinical conditions found in myofunctional therapy are:

Children and adolescents who have an inadequate position of the tongue within the oral cavity. Often the tongue is positioned wide at the bottom of the mouth and slightly out (protruded). As a consequence, mouth breathing can be observed.

They may project their tongue when they swallow or speak, mainly the sounds /s/, /z/ and the sound of the letter “j”. 

The treatment will have as objective the balance of the body posture, as well as the good mobility, strength, tonus and sensitivity of all orofacial organs.

  If your child has any of the signs below, he or she may profit from a myofunctional speech therapy. 

  •      Mouth breathing and open lips most of the time;

  •       Snoring, Apnoea, trouble sleeping due to mouth breathing and open lips;

  •      Difficulties in occluding (closing) the lips during swallowing;

  •      Limited tongue movements;

  •      Changes in the dental arches, teeth and jaw;

  •      Difficulties in chewing and swallowing with good positioning of lips and tongue;

  •       Excessive saliva above the age of 2 years;

  •      Protrusion of the tongue during speech.

  If your child or you have any of the above signs, talk to your dentist, orthodontist or doctor. 

The medical prescription must be written in German: Myofunktionelle Störung. 

Talk to me!

If you need my services, or simply want to find out more, please send a message. I will be happy to contact you.  

(+49) 1514 653 8687

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